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A very good day to you,
How are you doing today? My name is Graham Miller and I am glad to be connected with you, I have a business proposal I would like to discuss with you in private, it involves a business opportunity that will be of huge benefit to both of us. Further details will be shared after I receive your reponse. Kindly reply me through this private email address: grahammiller19699@gmail.com Thank you in anticipation for prompt response. Yours truly, Mr. Graham Miller Private email: (grahammiller19699@gmail.com)
My name is Felix, a Chief Compliance officer at one of Canada’s foremost Cryptocurrency exchange platforms. This is a private and confidential message from me to you and I request that it be treated as such. I am contacting you in respect of an urgent matter (Deal) regarding funds in excess of 9 Million US Dollars which resulted from a liquidated BTC account belonging to a deceased account holder. I will let you in on my plan and why I chose to contact you in the first place after I have received your reply and gaining your trust. Many thanks and looking forward to your reply. Felix.
My name is Felix, a Chief Compliance officer at one of Canada’s foremost Cryptocurrency exchange platforms. This is a private and confidential message from me to you and I request that it be treated as such. I am contacting you in respect of an urgent matter (Deal) regarding funds in excess of 9 Million US Dollars which resulted from a liquidated BTC account belonging to a deceased account holder. I will let you in on my plan and why I chose to contact you in the first place after I have received your reply and gaining your trust. Many thanks and looking forward to your reply. Felix.
I am looking for a serious, long-term relationship. I am a modern girl and I know that in 2020, i can find a decent man through the Internet. I am purposeful, cheerful. My heart want love. If will you reply, I will gladly send you my photos and tell you even more about me. If you are interested, please write to my personal e-mail - prettylady88rr@gmail.com Lola.
[06/02 Robtmob]
[03/17 JeffreyNal]
[03/17 JamesLah]
[03/15 OsrNum]
[03/13 Stevsoume]
(07/16) |